Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 1st April 2014


This Privacy Policy sets out the terms between You and Us as to the use and access of Our Websites by You. This Privacy Policy applies to all Users of Our Websites.

Your use of any of Our Websites means that You accept, and agree to abide by, all the terms stated in this Privacy Policy, our General Terms [click here to see our General Terms], Our Acceptable Use Policy [Click here to see our Acceptable Use Policy], our Copyright Policy [Click here to see our Copyright Policy] and any applicable Additional terms which apply to You.


Ticket2U ("We") is committed to the protection of your Personal Data and takes the matter of protecting your privacy as a matter of paramount importance.

This Privacy Policy sets forth how we protect the privacy of your Personal Data under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("PDPA").


The types of Personal Data that we collect directly from you or from third parties may include (but is not limited to) your name, address, contact details, credit/debit card number/s and expiry date, banking or financial information, residential or office address, billing address, and information relating to Products and Services that you often use on Our Websites.


This Privacy Statement covers any Personal Data provided to us:

  • When you use any of Our Products or Services on Our Websites.
  • When you register, open an account, or sign up with Us, for transactions for Products or Services provided or supplied on any of Our Websites.
  • When you use or visit online sites operated by Ticket2U and its suppliers or contractors.
  • Under any other contractual agreement or arrangement Via a third party Products or Services Provider.

Some of the other ways we may collect Personal Data also includes (but is not limited to):

  • Communications between Us and You Via telephone, letter, fax, or email.
  • When you visit Our Websites or one of our contractors' websites.
  • When you contact us in person.
  • When we contact you in person.
  • When we collect information about you from trusted third parties who process Our transactions.


Your IP Address

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Website. Your IP address is used to help identify you and your registration sign up or membership information and to gather broad demographic information.

User Feedback Form

Our Customer Care Feedback Form requires you to give us contact information (e.g. your name and email address) so that we can respond to your comments or queries. We use your contact information from the Registration form [or when you sign up] to send you information about ourselves. Your contact information is also used to contact you where necessary. Demographic and profile data are also collected at Our Websites. We use your Personal Data to tailor your experience at Our Website by showing you contents, or Products or Services that we think You may be interested in.

Information on Cookies

A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from Our Websites and stored on your computer's hard drive. We use cookies in some of our web pages to store your preferences and record session information. The information that We collect is then used to ensure a more personalized service experience for Our Users. You can adjust settings on Your browser so that You will be notified when You receive a cookie. Please refer to Your browser documentation to check if cookies have been 'enabled' or 'disabled' on Your computer. You may adjust your setting so that you do not receive cookies.


We may use Your Personal Data for the following purposes ("Purpose"):

  • To process your Orders and transactions for Products or Services.
  • To process other transactions.
  • To facilitate your participation in the Cloud-Credit program, or in our other promotions, rewards, lucky draws or loyalty programs as are from time to time offered by us or our Affliiate Partners.
  • To send you promotions and information on Products, Services and activities.
  • To protect the safety and security of yourself and other Users.
  • To investigate and respond to claims or queries from You.
  • To comply with any legal or regulatory requirements.


You may request to obtain information of your Personal Data, limit the processing of your Personal Data, and also update or make amendments to your Personal Data as below:

For account holders or registered customers, you may login to your account and update your Personal Data.

For every other customer, you may forward your request to

We will endeavor to provide the information back to you as soon as is practicable.


Please note that it is obligatory for Us to process your Personal Data, without which we will not be able to process your Orders for Products or Services and other transactions that You enter into.

Nonetheless, you may stop receiving Ticket2U's Promotional or reward program activities by:

  • Unsubscribing from the mailing list.
  • Editing the relevant account settings to "unsubscribe".
  • Sending a request to Us to Customer Services.


We will not sell your Personal Data to third parties. Your Personal Data shall only be disclosed or transferred to the following third parties who may be located within or outside Malaysia for the fulfillment of the Purposes described hereinbelow:

  • Our Subsidiaries, Affiliate Partners, and trusted merchants and contractors who work closely with us where necessary to: process your Orders; to provide you with Our Website's Products or Services; or to process other required information.
  • Credit card verification providers, data warehouse and other third parties in order to process your commercial transactions.
  • Legal bodies as required by law, such as in compliance with a warrant or subpoena issued by a court of competent jurisdiction compelling disclosure.
  • Customs, immigration or other regulatory authorities applicable to You.


We do not retain your personal data longer than necessary for the fulfillment of the Purposes. However, relevant Personal Data may be retained subject to the conditions below:

  • As and when required under applicable legislation.
  • Where legal action has arisen and/or is pending.

We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all Personal Data is destroyed or permanently deleted when no longer required for the Purposes herein described.


You can permanently delete your account at Ticket2U by following step.

Login to your profile, click on [Delete my Account] at your bottom right corner, click on [Confirm Delete].

Account deletion will be forever. You will not be able to access your profile in Ticket2U anymore.


You can permanently delete your data at Ticket2U by following step.

Login to your profile, click on [Delete my Account] at your bottom right corner, click on [Confirm Delete].

Data deletion will be forever. You will not be able to access your data in Ticket2U anymore.


No data transmissions over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% safe, secure or error free. Consequently, we cannot warrant the security of the information you provide to us. Once we receive your transmission, we make reasonable efforts to ensure its security on our systems. We use Secure Server Software (SSL) and firewalls to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, this is not an ironclad 100 % fool proof protection. There is no absolutely failsafe or failproof system whose security systems cannot be breached by third party hackers or mischief makers. You hereby agree that We shall have no liability to you in the event of breach of our security systems by a third party hacker or mischief maker. If we learn of a security systems breach, we shall notify you of the same so that you can take appropriate protective steps to safeguard your critical data.

By using Our Websites, or providing personal information to us, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy and administrative issues relating to your use of Our Websites. We may post a notice on Our websites if a security breach occurs, or may send an email to you at the email address you have provided to us.


Please note that this Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and such variations may be applicable to you.

Do revisit our Website from time to time to review our updates on our Privacy Statement.


This "Privacy Policy" shall be read in conjunction with our "General Terms" and "Our Acceptable Use Policy" all of which shall be deemed to be incorporated herein by this reference.


For any queries, concerns or complaints in relation to our handling of your Personal Data or Our Personal Data Protection policies, please contact us at


See Our General Terms.